The bad news is my parents got into a car wreck with Cory. The good news is I got a comic out of it! The accident was a month ago and Cory is still a bit freaked out while in a car. Both cars were totaled but fortunately there were no injuries.

When I came up with the idea for the sight gag for the strip I immediately thought of the Ogre tank.


Ogre is a classic tabletop war game from Steve Jackson Games and the giant robot tank is iconic. And Ogre was my gateway into the evils of Kickstarter. The Ogre Designers Edition is a truly awesome board game in every sense of the work and I can’t wait to get mine, although I don’t know where I’m going to put it with a box that big. Once I broke the ice with Kickstarter, well, I’ve helped fund “several” board game projects.