I’m so happy it’s almost hockey season again. One of my favorite developments of the last two years is Cory and I getting into the San Jose Sharks together. Cory know all the players and his favorite thing to do is remind me that I criticized a player right after that guy scores a goal. The Internet hockey package makes it really easy to watch and listen to the games since we are up in Seattle so there are no broadcast blackouts for us. I hope this is their year to get the Stanley Cup.

Being a board game and math nerd Strat-O-Matic Hockey is right in my wheelhouse. I’ve played Strat baseball for a while but just started with Hockey last year. To get through the offseason I set up a mini 12-team league with just a home and home schedule and I’m making the decisions for the Sharks. And they CAN’T SCORE! They have the worst shooting percentage in the league even though they have great players. The real Sharks went through periods like this as well. And just like I tell my son when he’s playing hockey or soccer – Just Keep Shooting.